The time course to the appearance of clinically detected distant metastases of breast cancer is extremely long. It is common for metastases to manifest 10 years or more after the initial diagnosis of breast cancer. It is generally accepted that least invasive methods for evaluating suspected metastases should be employed. The few studies that compared MRI, PET and bne scan found them to be simlarly effective. Bone scan is preferred to MRI in this regard since it is less invasive, less expensive and images the entire skeleton. MRI or PET—CT can be considered for cases of abnormal radionuclide uptake that are not addressed by radiography.
T. Ueno Bone Imaging in Metastatic Breast Cancer
J. Clin. Oncol., July 15, 2004; 22(14): 2942 – 2953.
Colleen M Costelloe Imaging bone metastases in breast cancer: techniques and recommendations for diagnosis The Lancet Oncology, Volume 10, Issue 6, Pages 606 – 614
LOUIE ENRIQUEZ, MD Role of MRI in breast cancer management Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine September 2009 vol. 76 9 525-532, 2012