
How often to scan the brain after radiosurgery

How to follow a patient with brain mets after radiosurgery is becoming a more and more common question becasue treatments that control cancer in the rest of the boady are getting to be more and more effective and patients are living longer before cancer comes back in the brain or in the body. One does not want to overmonitor but also not to miss metastses when they come back. Many patietns remain disease free for many months even years after radiosurgery

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PET for glioblastoma

PET is more and more frequently used to visualize brain cancers. However, PET is not medically appropriate to follow glioblastoma because it not supported by credible scientific evidence published in peer-reviewed medical literature generally recognized by the relevant medical community.  PET for brain cancer is not included in the NCCN guidelines and CMS does not cover PET for this diagnosis. Occasionally, PET can provide information to differentiate

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Radiologic follow-up of pituitary tumors

Pituitary tumors are classified as micoradenomas, sometimes called incidentalomas, because they tend to be asymptomatic and discovered incidentally, or macroadenomas. Microadenomas are small and macroadenomas are larger. BMJ Best Practice (2012) says that  there is no consensus about the follow-up duration of patients with non-functional pituitary microadenomas, but recommends a follow-up MRI in 1 year with no further routine imaging study if the

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