
TTMed Urology – pro

As medical websites appear and proliferate, the patient as well as a practitioner, face complex choices. Many sites claim to deliver accurate, reliable and up to date medical information and some do…but many do not. It is therefore refreshing to encounter a site that delivers what it promises. TTMed Urology is such a site. Chock-full of useful and high-quality information, it an invaluable resource for urology specialists and others interested

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Chemoradiation for Urethral Cancer – pro

Urethral cancer is very rare, encompassing less than 1% of all malignancies. There are less than 2000 cases in the literature. Optimal management, at present, is not defined and often relies on the limited experience gained from reestrospective study of individual cases and case series. Squamous histology is less common than transitional. Case reports suggest that radiation and chemoradiation are more often used in women than men, in whom surgical

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