ODG recommends epidural injections only in the acute phase of pain and specifically does NOT recommend a series of three. Epidural injections were subject of a TEC assessment, which concluded: ….The average magnitude of effect is small, and the generalizability of the observation is limited by the small number of studies, limited to highly selected patient populations, the few techniques and doses studied, and variable comparison treatments….Their routine use for these indications is not recommended (Level B, Class I–III evidence).
Data on use of epidural steroid injections to treat cervical radicular pain are inadequate to make any recommendation (Level U).
ODG, Back Pain
Armon C, Argoff CE, Samuels J, Backonja MM, Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American. Assessment: use of epidural steroid injections to treat radicular lumbosacral pain: report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 2007 Mar 6;68(10):723-9. [27 references]