Patients with early gastric cancer have an excellent prognosis after appropriate treatment, with a high survival rate and a low rate of recurrence.There are no guidelines as to how to follow gastric cancer. A recent review concluded: ” Early detection of asymptomatic gastric cancer recurrence did not improve overall survival of patients with recurrence after curative resection. Until development of more effective treatment for this disease, close follow-up may offer no survival benefit. ” After 5 years, it is usually assumed that a cancer is cured and the proposed intensive re-evalaution in not supported by credible literature.It is still unclear whether intensive follow-up after surgery produces significant benefits in patients with gastric cancer. A previous retrospective study concluded that follow-ups were not useful.There have been no data to suggest that chemotherapeutic agents are useful in the treatment of recurrent gastric cancer detected during follow-up.
C. Kunisaki, H. Akiyama, M. Nomura, G. Matsuda, Y. Otsuka, H. Ono, Y. Nagahori, H. Hosoi, M. Takahashi, F. Kito, et al.
Significance of Long-Term Follow-Up of Early Gastric Cancer
Ann. Surg. Oncol., March 1, 2006; 13(3): 363 – 369.
Yasuhiro Kodera, MD, Seiji Ito, MD, Yoshitaka Yamamura, MD, Yoshinari Mochizuki, MD, Michitaka Fujiwara, MD, Kenji Hibi, MD, Katsuki Ito, MD, Seiji Akiyama, MD and Akimasa Nakao, Follow-Up Surveillance for Recurrence After Curative Gastric Cancer Surgery Lacks Survival Benefit Annals of Surgical Oncology 10:898-902 (2003)
Kodera Y, Ito S, Yamamura Y, et al. A follow-up surveillance for recurrence after curative gastric cancer surgery lacks survival benefit. Ann Surg Oncol 2003; 10:898–902.[