Generic Versus Brand Name Aromasin

Brand-name Aromasin is manufactured by Pfizer, Inc. However, the patent for this medicine has expired in early 2012, and it is now available in generic form. Aromasin is available in generic form in one strength: exemestane 25 mg tablets.

Generic Aromasin is made by Roxane Laboratories, Inc., and Greenstone LLC. The version made by Greenstone is an “authorized generic,” which means that it is actually made by Pfizer and is actually the real, brand-name tablet but is packaged and sold as a generic.

There is no literature to support that brand is better then generic. All generic medications must undergo testing for bio-equivalence before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decides if the generics are equivalent to the brand-name medications and assigns a rating to each one.

An “AB” rating means that the FDA has determined that a generic medication is equivalent to a brand-name medication. The generic exemestane currently available has an “AB” rating, meaning it has been determined to be equivalent to Aromasin.

Read the Professional version here.

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