Ewing sarcoma geenrally responds to chemotherapy. The prognosis in relapse is poor. Promising response rates have been reported for the combination of topotecan (TOPO) and cyclophosphamide (CYC). IN such cases, one can usually obtain a response and prolongation of life but not a cure. ESMO guidelines recommend palliative treatment in relapse and this would include well-based regimens such as topotecan and cytoxan.
Hunold A, Weddeling N, Paulussen M, Ranft A, Liebscher C, Jürgens H.
Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2006 Nov;47(6):795-800.Topotecan and cyclophosphamide in patients with refractory or relapsed Ewing tumors.
Saylors RL 3rd, Stine KC, Sullivan J, Kepner JL, Wall DA, Bernstein ML, Harris MB, Hayashi R, Vietti TJ; Pediatric Oncology Group.Cyclophosphamide plus topotecan in children with recurrent or refractory solid tumors: a Pediatric Oncology Group phase II study.J Clin Oncol. 2001 Aug 1;19(15):3463-9.
Saeter G, Ewing’s sarcoma of bone: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.ESMO Guidelines Working Group, .Ann Oncol. 2007 Apr;18 Suppl 2:ii79-80.