PET for cholangiocarcinoma – pro

Cholangiocarcinomas are not simple to image because they are located in an area of multiple other organs and there is often associated inflammation and anatomic variation. There are also only a few studies of PET for cholangiocarcinomas and conclusions vary. In a study by Kim et al, FDG PET was not found to be specific enough in detecting hilar cholangiocarcinomas, an observation ascribed to small tumor size or to fibrous or mucinous components of

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PET for glioblastoma

PET is more and more frequently used to visualize brain cancers. However, PET is not medically appropriate to follow glioblastoma because it not supported by credible scientific evidence published in peer-reviewed medical literature generally recognized by the relevant medical community.  PET for brain cancer is not included in the NCCN guidelines and CMS does not cover PET for this diagnosis. Occasionally, PET can provide information to differentiate

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