Cancer Treatment Today (CTT) is a website that is devoted to making timely, authoritative information on Cancer in its various forms available to both lay people and professionals. It is a project of Knowledge is Power, a not for profit organization whose purpose is to leverage data as a tool for the betterment of Humanity.
Central to CTT’s world view is the term “Evidence Based Medicine”. There are fortunately many new and exciting paths to treating and preventing cancer. Many of these new approaches have taken their rightful place after having been proven and are used every day throughout the world to help patients. Others are in various stages of development and refinement and yet others are but poorly defined concepts, with great potential but little proof. Practitioners of Evidence Based Medicine evaluate treatments based on what is known and what is proven but also recognize the potential of exciting; new protocols and drugs. They clearly address the potential for each new approach and state how it may be realized through research. Cancer Treatment Today is unique in providing answers to specific questions that arise in Cancer Medicine and in expressing them in a way that laymen and professionals can immediately use.
Cancer Treatment Today is advised by some of the best known physicians and professionals. Cancer is best treated by a team of professionals that includes medical, surgical, gynecologic and radiation oncologists, oncology nurses, psychologists, nutritionists and rehabilitation experts. In addition, Cancer Treatment Today reflects input provided by allied health professionals, cancer researchers, pharmaceuticals, organizational behaviorists, business leaders, and experts in statistics, legal medicine and epidemiology. Providing overall coordination is Mark Levin, MD, MBA, an academic physician with a wide range of experience in various practice settings, including academia, teaching hospital and private practice. Dr. Levin has a consulting practice in clinical standards and utilization review in Oncology devoted to defining standards of care.