Medico-legal Issues

Leukine recall – pro

LEUKINE has been FDA approved for use in multiple indications: For use following induction chemotherapy in older adults with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) For use in myeloid reconstitution after autologous bone marrow transplantation For use in myeloid reconstitution after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation For use in transplantation (BMT) failure or engraftment delay For use in mobilization and following transplantation of autologous peripheral

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Bloodless stem cell transplants – pro

With an estimated 6000000 Jehovah's witnesses worldwide, haematologists may encounter patients who decline blood transfusions as a matter of personal belief.The risks of high-dose chemotherapy include life threatening bleeding from thrombocytopenia and profound anemia. Autologous stem cell transplantation is usually associated with the transfusion of 5 to 20 units of red blood cell or platelets, with the potential side-effects of infectious disease

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Delay in diagnosis of head and neck cancer – pro

Diagnosis and treatmetn of head and neck cancer is complex and requires co-ordination or providers and resources. Delays in diagnosis is not uncommon. In a Canadian study, median patient, professional and total delays were 4.5 weeks, 11.8 weeks and 22.5 weeks, respectively. Significantly longer delays were found among women(p < 0.01), non-smokers (p < 0.01), patients who were not referred following initial consultation(p < 0.001) and patients

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Thrombophilias in pregnancy – pro

The thrombophilias are a group of disorders that promote blood clotting. Most women with a thrombophilia have healthy pregnancies. However, pregnant women with a thrombophilia may be more likely than other pregnant women to develop a Venous thrombosis or certain pregnancy complications. Even pregnant women without a thrombophilia may be more likely than non-pregnant women to develop a VTE. This is due to normal pregnancy-related changes in blood

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