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Author Topic: Revolution in cancer treatment
M Levin,-
Posts: 1
Post Revolution in cancer treatment
on: August 21, 2012, 16:39

When I was learning oncology, there were no biologic therapy. What we had were surgery, hormones for breast and prostate cancers and chemotherapy. The concept was to kill cancer cells. Biolgicals represent a completely different approach. They ushered in a revolution in how we think about cancer. Instead of killing cells, we are "persuading" them to change and to behave differently, less agressively, more like the other, normal celsls around them. Very appropriate for the New Age! It is not only that science was ready with a new approach, it is also that changes in society, as we became a more open, more tolerant society, as we changed from insisting on obedience and conformity to persuasion and co-operation, as we began to extoll persnola growth over social roles and expectation, triggered it that our approach to cancer therapy also changed.

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