Xeloda for glioblastoma – pro

Lay Summary: Xeloda is being investigated for GBM.

Capecitabine (Xeloda) is a drug that damages the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of tumor cells and blocks the function of DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) of tumor cells. These actions help to kill the tumor cells. Celecoxib is a drug that may help to prevent the development of some types of cancer by blocking a type of enzyme (COX-2) that is found in tumor cells. Temozolomide and CCNU are the current standard treatment for malignant brain tumors. Both drugs work by damaging the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of tumor cells to kill these tumor cells. 6-Thioguanine is a drug that helps to increase the effects of Temozolomide and CCNU on tumor cells.

This study, NCT00504660, has the following objectives:
Primary Objectives:

To determine the efficacy, as measured by 12 month progression-free survival, of Temozolomide or CCNU with 6-Thioguanine followed by Capecitabine and Celecoxib in the treatment of patients with recurrent and/or progressive anaplastic gliomas or glioblastoma multiforme.
To determine the long-term toxicity of Temozolomide or CCNU with 6-Thioguanine followed by Capecitabine and Celecoxib in recurrent anaplastic glioma or glioblastoma multiforme patients treated in this manner.
To determine the clinical relevance of genetic subtyping tumors as a predictor of response to this chemotherapy and long term survival.

However, the question is about Xeloda alone. I understand that the otehr drugs have been approved.

Xeloda is also being investigated with radiation and in combination with other chemotherapy drugs for glioblastoma. Several trials are lsited on: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?recr=Open&term=glioma


nccn.org, brain cancer

A. Reardon, Patrick Y. Wen Therapeutic Advances in the Treatment of Glioblastoma: Rationale and Potential Role of Targeted Agents The Oncologist, Vol. 11, No. 2, 152-164, February 2006

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