Temodar for Kidney Cancer

Personalized medicine approach tests individual cancers and chooses treatments based on this testing. Temodar is one of the drugs that is usually included in chemosensitivity panels. Sometimes, it is recommended to renal cell cancer patients based on such testing. Unfortunately, this new paradigm does not “fit” well with the existing approaches and methods for weighing and evaluating evidence supporting cancer treatments, and new approaches to do so have not yet been developed.

Temodar has some supporting, albeit conflicting evidence in renal cancer, if you follow the “old” paradigm. One study found it have no activity in kidney cancer, whereas anotehr found it to have minimal side effects and a total response rate of 60%. Another study found no objective responses in a group of previosuly treated patients. Temozolamide. Another study found Temodar and interferon combined to be inactive.


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